Friday, May 18, 2007

Sarah's newest...

This is what is new with Sarah...she has a new tooth on the top and another trying to break thru. It's so funny to see the top teeth in babies. They just seem so big to me when they first come in. I felt this way when Amanda's first came in. I was so worried that they were abnormally large and would look funny. Silly new mom.

She is a very good crawler and boy, is she fast, too. She stands up at every opportunity. She has just recently started cruising the furniture. She has some pretty good bruises on her forehead because she likes to crawl up to the furniture until she bumps her head into it, kinda like a battering ram. Then, when she makes contact, that's when she stops, reaches her hand up and stands. She doesn't really look where she's going, she just tucks her head and chugs along until she runs into something, then she stands up.

She's very stubborn, too. When her sister was a baby, I could tell her no and she wouldn't, say, tear into my house plants. We were able to leave all our plants where they have always been. OOOHHHHH, not Sarah. That little girl wants to do what that little girl wants to do. I can tell her no a thousand times and she just goes right on doing whatever she wants. The other day, I think I moved her away from a plant about 20 times before she gave up. I think we are going to have our hands full with this one. I do get frustrated with her, but then she gives me that cute little 2 tooth smile (3 now) and my heart just melts. I will tell her, "Don't you give me that cute little smile, you little stinker. You're in trouble and smiling...won', your so cute. Come here let me kiss that cute little face." See, it pays to be toothless, covered in drool and cute as a button.

Amanda stories...

Let me set the scene: We were driving to my parents this afternoon and we were listening to Amanda's favorite CD, the Little Mermaid sound track. I wasn't paying too much attention to what song was on. Probably because it's like the 9 millionth time I've heard it. When, in the back seat I hear Amanda say, "Yeah, she's bad." I think to myself for half a second that she's talking to her friend Hannah. The friend only Amanda can see. Yeah, that kind of friend. But, then it registers what song is on. I say, "Oh Ursala. Yeah, she's bad." Amanda then says, "Yeah, she's bad. She's mean to Ariel. She needs a time out!" So, cute.

Recently I've come to notice that I say some words that pre-schools try to discourage their young pupils from saying...Hate and Stupid. So, I told Amanda that those were not nice words and that she shouldn't say them. I also said that if she heard Mommy say them, she should remind Mommy that they aren't nice and she shouldn't say them. Well....the other day I was driving and I was a wee bit late getting to where I needed to get. So, of course I was impatient with other drivers. The one in front of me was taking just a tad too long getting thru a stop sign, when I said..."Come on. Stupid girl, drive!" When out of the back seat I hear the sweet little voice of my darling tattle tale, "Mommy, don't say that it's not nice!" Then, at the mall yesterday, she kept hiding in the clothes racks. It really bothers me that she does that, because I like to be able to see her at all times. Call me paranoid, but I don't want her to get taken. So, I kept telling her to stay where I could see her. She would run around..."Can you see me Mom? Can you see me?" After about 20 min. of this I stopped, because she just thought it was a game, I said "Amanda, please don't run and hide. I might lose you and leave with out you. I would sure hate to lose you." Instead of being worried about me leaving without her, she hears the "bad" word and says..."Mommy don't say hate, that's not a nice word!" Oh, brother, kids. Gotta love em.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Can't wait, can't wait....

I just finished reading the whole Harry Potter series...AGAIN! I had to, the next and final book is coming out soon. But, not soon enough. I just can't wait. What am I going to do with myself? I love these books. I look forward to when the girls are old enough for me to read them to them. It's a little to "dark" to read to them right now. But, I love the imagination that went into them. Anybody else addicted to these books?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Lookie, Lookie below...

Below is a slide show of our weekend at the carnival, or the carmel as Amanda calls it. We had a lot of fun and Amanda did so well on all the rides. She wanted to ride everything! Even the big rides that she was too short for. What a difference from last fall. She was so afraid of everything then, that all we got her to ride was the Merry-Go-Round. Maybe next year I can take her on the spider (AKA: the octopus). Poor Sarah didn't get to ride on anything. She was so good though, patiently sitting in her stroller. The pictures you will see took place over two days. On the second day, we took a picnic lunch and enjoyed the beautiful day. We really needed it after last week. Sadly, we lost my grandfather. I can't really get into that right now. Still a little too raw emotionally. So, enjoy the slide show. We had a lot of fun taking them.

The "Carmel" Rides!