Friday, March 28, 2008

Fun In The Backyard!

Aden on the slide.
Amanda watching Aden on the slide.

I love to take close up shots.

Ally climbing the rope ladder.

Wee, that slide is fun.

I did it! I climbed up the slide. Yay, Aden!

My favorite picture of the day!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Who's The Boss?

We were trying to teach Amanda a lesson tonight...she didn't like what I made for dinner so she only ate part of it. When we tried to get her to eat more, she said she was full. Well, then it was bed time and she told Dave that she was hungry. He told her she couldn't eat anything because it was time for bed...She should have eaten all her dinner. (See, she's been doing this off and on for a few weeks...she'll eat just what she likes...then she wants desert) So, then Dave asked her if we should ask Mommy about getting a snack before dinner. (she tried this with me last night. Dave was out of town and I was putting her to sleep. She wasn't really hungry, she just didn't want to go to bed) Soooo, anyway, Dave asks her if they should talk to Mommy and this is what she said..."No, Mommy said I don't need to eat anymore. And, she's the boss." Glad to know she knows who's in charge around here. :0) The bad thing is that she will prob. be up at 3 am starving and I'm going to be the one getting her something to eat. I hate being in charge! :0)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hey "Four Eyes"

I found these glass frames at my grandmother's house. They don't have any lenses in them and I thought they would be great for dress up. As you can see the girls just love them. They make me giggle every time they put them on. Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Thank You Jamey!

Thank you, thank you, thank you Jamey for showing me how to make the cool layout for my title. I love that website! I was up from 9:30 pm to 12:30 am trying to figure it out and did it all wrong. Then this morning, after I got a full 5 hours of sleep :0), I was able to get it to work in less than 30 min. I'm so excited and can't wait to do it again. Thanks again Jamey!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

I'm Still Here!

Boy, I've been gone too long. Not much has been going on, yet I've been very busy.

Finally had to take my kitty to the vet a few weeks ago. She had a tumor on her belly about the size of a sand dollar and twice as thick. Turns out it is an aggressive form of breast cancer. So, I could have mastectomy on that side of her belly and do chemo. Not! I won't put the poor thing thru that. It was torture just taking her in for the surgery. So, I decided to just let her heal up and live the rest of her life in comfort here at home. When the time comes and she's not doing so well, I'll decide to have her put down. I asked the vet how long she might have. He said it could be 6 mos. or 2 years. So, I'll just love her while I have her. She's just now getting so she is accepting Amanda, but is still terrified of Sarah. I think I would be too. :0)

Amanda had a really bad sinus infection last week. She never ran a fever or anything, didn't even have a runny nose. One morn. she woke up and her right I was all pink around the eye. The eye itself was a little pink, but it looked like someone had popped her in the eye. So, I thought she had pink eye. Took her to the clinic and turns out her sinus' were so full that the tear ducts couldn't drain properly and so she was having trouble with her eye. She also had a terrible build up of wax in one ear, because she only sleeps on one side and the other can't drain. So, we had her on antibiotics and we had to flush out her sinus' 3 to 4 times a day with saline in a bulb syringe. She really didn't like it, but she was a trooper and didn't fight us at all. Boy, we got some pretty green gook out of her nose, too. I tried it on myself (I wanted to know what I was putting my baby thru) It is an unpleasant feeling at first, but boy could I breath better after I did it. I think I may do that every night when allergy season kicks in. Get all the pollen out of my sinus'. I highly recommend it.

Sarah has managed to escape the flu bug this year. She and I have been the healthy ones so far this cold and flu season. She did contract Hand, Foot and Mouth disease about 3 weeks ago. It's a very contagious virus that the Dr's say almost everyone gets. I didn't know she had it right away. I thought she just had some teeth coming in because she ran a low fever around 100, and would point in her mouth and say owie. Then a few days later I noticed little blisters on her feet and hands. That's when I got clued in. Of course, then she's not contagious, just when she had the fever. So, I exposed a bunch of kids at a bday party and at friends houses and at gymnastics. I felt guilty, but how was I supposed to know. I thought she was teething. Oh, well.

Well, that's all for now. I'll try to be better about updating you all on the happenings in our little corner of the world. TTFN