Many of my friends have been bugging me to update my blog and write about our trip. Boy, it's tough getting back into the swing of things when you get home. I finally get everyone back on a schedule and then I go and get sick on top of it...But, I will start to update you on our trip now. So, here goes some of it.
The first two days we camped with my parents. That's them with the girls above. We went to Missoula MT first and camped at a little spot off the HWY called Yogi Bear camp grounds. It was cute and had a pool, which was nice but a little chilly. The girls handled the car trip rather well. We didn't have to use the DVD at all that day. Sarah slept most of the way and Amanda was amusing herself with a scavenger hunt that my friend Lori made for her.
The second day we continued to travel thru MT and saw some wonderful scenery. I wanted to stop and take so many pic's but if I stopped every time I saw something to take a pic of, we would still be on our trip. We traveled thru a small sliver of Yellowstone on our way to our second camp ground. And, we saw a moose, A MOOSE! I couldn't believe it. That was the first time I've ever seen one not in a zoo. Yippee! We didn't get any pictures because we were going too fast, but I was able to get it on video. I hope it turns out.
The second place we stayed at was Hebgen Lake, MT. It was so pretty there. We saw a pelican swimming in the water there. I didn't know we had these huge pelicans. Hmmm learn something everyday. I got some great pic's of Amanda there.
I couldn't believe I got her to smile and look at me at the same time. They had this building there at the camp ground and while we were taking the pic we were being dive bombed by birds who had made nests in the rafters right above our heads. I can't believe that Amanda didn't notice them, but was glade she didn't.
They also had a great photo op here with this fence along the outside of our campground. Amanda really liked climbing on it. Of course I think she just liked anything she could do that didn't require sitting in the truck.
Here is a the view of the lake when we woke up on our third day. It was beautiful.
Well, I have a ton more pic's to show, but this is taking too long. So, I will sign off for now and return for the rest of the story. And, I think I will do it with a slide show because I got a little camera happy, and took way too many pic's. But, hey that's me. More later.