Wednesday, April 25, 2007


This is Amanda in front of our flowering pear tree. I got this picture before she found out it was covered in bees. She's terrified of bees. If she hears one, she bursts out crying and runs for the house. I finally made up a "magic" bottle of bug spray. It's just water and skin so soft from avon. But, hey, she thinks it works.

Now that she has turned 3 the "why's" have begun. This last week she's driven me crazy with why questions. And, why's when I give her the answer. I've heard other parents complain about it, but never realized how annoying the 15 billionth why question can be. :0) I should just be happy that she's inquisitive, but you can only come up with so many answers to why you want the door closed when you are going to the bathroom.

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