Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Amanda's first day of school

Well, Amanda had her first day yesterday. It went very well! I was thinking I may have to go in with her. She kept asking me if I was going to go with her. But, when we got there, a teacher from another room took her under her wing until her teacher came out. At Amanda's preschool, the teachers meet each child at their car and then all walk into the class at the same time. Amanda was the first one there. As I was pulling away, I could hear the teacher say, "Wave bye-bye." When I looked into the rear view mirror, I could see Amanda waving and looking around with an expression on her face like....What am I waving at. :0) But, she wasn't crying. Yay!

When I picked her up 2 hours later, I was first in line. I'm not sure how I became first both times, I'm usually late to everything. :0) But, when the bell rang, here they all came holding hands. Then Amanda saw my car and she burst into a huge grin and yelled "Mommy, I missed you!" Aaahhhh, melt my heart. She did great, but getting info out of her describing her day was like pulling teeth. As the evening progressed, she would tell me a little more and a little more. So, I got a good idea what she did. So, nosy mom got her fix. :0)

Here are some pic's of Amanda right before we left the house to go to school. She was so proud and kept saying "Take a pic. of this and take a pic. of that!" So, cute.

Here's the whole outfit. When I asked Amanda what she wanted to wear, she said a dress. That's when I realized, she doesn't have many dresses. She has a lot of skirts, but not many dresses. Hmmmm, I guess that means I need to go shopping....oh, darn. :0)

This is what happens when you have swim lessons and preschool on the same day. Poor kid was wiped out...Even when Sarah was screaming and poking her, she didn't wake up.


A mom said...

It sounds like everything went okay. I will never forget Tanners first day of school. He did not come out all excited, but I could help but notice all of the other little boys & girls running up and hugging their mommies. It was so touching. I bet that was the highlight of your day!

Jamey said...

It looks like she had fun!! I'm glad it went as well as it did, that's good for both of you!

Jamie said...

What a big girl!! That picture of her sleeping is so cute. I bet she was wiped out. Such a long day for them when they start school!